How to create video with AI using the 'Text to Video' Veedea AI

Type or paste in a script and instantly generate an avatar video and then continue to turn it into an interactive video.

To create video with AI, follow these steps

Click on the "Create Campaign" button on the dashboard

Or from the "Campaigns" page click on the "Add New Campaign" button

Enter a Campaign Name

Then select the "Create Video With AI" option from the video sources

Enter the Video Title

Add Video Script for the campaign (Note: please enter the script in one paragraph. You will get an error message and your video will not render if you enter the script in more than one paragraph)

Choose the video orientation you prefer

Click on the "Next" button

Select the avatar you prefer

Click on the checkbox at the top left corner of the avatar image to select it

Then click on the "Next" button

Select a voice in any language you want. Click on the play icon on each voice to listen to the sample

Click on the checkbox at the top-left corner of the voice to select it

Then click on the "Submit" button

The video will be generated and the video URL added automatically

Click on the Continue button and the video will be loaded into the Drag and Drop Video Funnel Builder as shown below

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