How to search and add video from copyright-free stock video sites

Take the following steps to search, find and add free stock videos

From the Dashboard click on the "Create Campaign" button

Or from the "Campaigns" page, click on the "Add New Campaign" button

Enter the Campaign Name

Select "Copyright Free Stock Video" from the list of video sources

Select either Pixabay or Pexels to search for free stock video

Enter a search keyword

Then click on the search icon

When you mouse hover on any of the videos from the search result, it will a Select button to choose the video, and a Preview button to preview the video

When you have previewed and found a video to use, click on the Select button on it

The video will automatically be added to your account and the URL added in the video URL box

Next, click the "Continue" button

The video will be loaded into the Drag and Drop Video Funnel Builder as shown below

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