Campaign quick stats and action links

You can view campaign stats and access quick action links from the Campaigns page

Follow the steps below to view campaign quick stats and action links

From the Dashboard, click on Campaigns by the left menu

On the Campaigns page, you can see the Total Campaigns count which is the total number of campaigns created in the account.

And for every Campaign, you have:

the name of the campaign under Campaign Name

the SmartView the campaign is published with (you can publish a campaign using multiple SmartView options

the total views the campaign has gotten

the total clicks the campaign has gotten

the total leads the campaign has gotten

and the status of the campaign. This switch can be toggled on/off to activate/deactivate the campaign

Quick Actions

With the quick action links, you can: (from left to right)

Preview the campaign

Edit the campaign

Clone the campaign

Get embed code to publish campaign with/without SmartView options

Get share campaign on social media with one-click, and also get campaign share link

View how traffic flows through video funnel

Delete campaign

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