How to publish Deal Page Hero SmartView campaign

Deal Page Hero is your completely point-n-click customizable few minutes deal page builder, created specifically for your interactive videos.

Deal Page Hero SmartView Campaign

From the Campaigns page, find the campaign you want to publish and click on the "Embed" icon on it

Click on Deal Page Hero

Note: You will be redirected to a separate page for the deal page settings. Customize and enter details about your deal on that page as follows:

General Settings

Setup sub-domain or choose a custom domain for the deal page url. And Pick from three customizable video landing page templates built to work hand-in-hand with your Veedea interactive videos!

Complete the rest of the settings, including Header Settings, Features Section, General Section, Deal Timer, Discount Section, Social Section, and the Copyright Section

From the top of the deal page hero customization page, you can Save your customizations, Preview and Save & Exit once you are done.

On the next page, click on the Copy button, and the deal page url will automatically copy to your clipboard ready to share the Deal Page Hero SmartView campaign.

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