How to add video chapters interactivity to your video

Create and display video chapters to give viewers insight on the content of the video and allow them the option to instantly skip to any part in the video. Let viewers choose what content to watch.

Adding interactive video chapters

From the drag and drop video funnel builder, click on the Add Interactive Element button on the video you want to edit. This will load the video into the drag and drop interactive video builder and timeline editor.

From the list of interactivity items by the left menu panel, click on Video Chapters. This will add video chapter in the video and ready for customization.

By the right, enter a title for each chapter and the time (in seconds of the video) when the chapter should start.

You can add unlimited chapters by clicking on the Add Chapter Title each time

These chapter titles will reveal when viewer clicks on the Video Chapter

Edit the chapter colors

Use the Layer Duration setting by the right settings panel to set the display start time and end time. Or you can just drag the interactivity item bar on the timeline editor to the time on the video you want it to appear. Drag the ends of the bar on the timeline editor to increase or decrease the display time/duration.

Toggle on the video pause switch if you want the video to pause when the video chapter appears on the screen.

Once done, click on the Save button.

Click on the Preview button to preview your interactivity and customizations to make sure everything works as setup.

Once you are done adding all desired interactivity to the video, click on the Continue button to return to the video funnel builder page from where you can continue to publish your campaign.

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