How to add HTML code inside your video

Add your Facebook pixel to build a facebook audience from people who view your video, or add any other custom script or tracking pixel designed to achieve your desired marketing objective.

Follow these steps to add html code inside your video

From the drag and drop video funnel builder, click on the Add Interactive Element button on the video you want to edit. This will load the video into the drag and drop interactive video builder and timeline editor.

From the list of interactivity items by the left, click on the HTML Code item.

Paste the html code by the right panel where you see the Add custom HTML here

Use the Layer Duration settings or the item bar on the timeline to set the display start and end times for the html code

Once done, click on the Save button.

Click on the Preview button to preview your interactivity and customizations to make sure everything works as setup.

Once you are done adding all desired interactivity to the video, click on the Continue button to return to the video funnel builder page from where you can continue to publish your campaign.

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