How to use the timeline editor

The Drag and Drop Timeline Editor is the area below the video in the interactive video builder page.

In this content we are going to explore how to use this space as its instrumental to creating an effective interactive video.

Click on the hide/reveal arrow to collapse/expand the timeline editor

When you play the video in the editor, both the progress bar above the timeline scale and the red vertical bar below the timeline scale moves.

Also, if you click anywhere on the timeline scale, the red vertical bar and the progress bar points both jump to that spot in the video and on the timeline.

When you click on an interactivity item by the left, by default it gets added to the time in then video where you have the red vertical bar in the timeline editor

When you start adding interactive items to your video, you will see some icons preceding any thread on the timeline editor, and also a drag and drop horizontal purple bar in the thread.

The first icon represents the interactive item you added. If you mouse hover on the icon or on the purple bar in the threat, the name of the interactive item will also popover

A mouse hover on the purple bar also reveals the start time and the end time of the interactive item. While the current duration of the item is always displayed on the purple bar.

The second icon is the hide/reveal for the interactive element. When you click on it, it hides the interactive element in the video and the icon changes to a hidden icon. When you click on the hidden icon, it reveal the interactive item in the video and the icon changes to a visible icon.

The last icon is the delete icon, which deletes the added interactive item from both the video and from the timeline.

Click, hold and drag on the purple bar to drag the enter bar to a new time on the video, then click, hold and drag the ends of the purple bar to increase or decrease the display duration of the interactive item.

You can also set the start and the end times on the Layer Duration settings by the right customization panel to set the times. Make sure to click on the times field after entering them to get it reflected on the purple bar on the timeline editor

There is also a horizontal scroll bar at the end of the timeline editor. You can scroll this bar to the end of the video or to the beginning of the video. Or you can just click, hold and drag left/right anywhere on the timeline to get the same result.

If you add multiple interactive items, a vertical scroll bar will also appear by the right end of the timeline for scrolling the timeline up and down. Or you can just click, hold and drag up/down anywhere on the timeline to get the same result.

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