How to connect Zapier
You can connect your Zapier to your Veedea account and leverage zaps to get more done with your Veedea campaigns.
Connect Zapier to Veedea
Log into your Veedea account and mouse hover on your profile image, then click on Profile from the options that appear.
This takes you to the Profile Settings page Below your Profile information is your API Key. Click on the copy button against your API Key to copy it to your clipboard.
Now head over and log into your Zapier account. Click on Apps, and then on the Add connection button to add a new app.
Type Veedea in the search box and select the Veedea app from the result.
On the dialogue box that pops up asking for an API Key, paste the copied API Key into the provided entry box and click on the Continue button to authorize the connection.
Congratulations. You can now create zaps for your Veedea campaigns.