How to customize agency branding details
From the dashboard, scroll down the left menu and click on Agency. You will see links to Agency Settings and the Agency Users.
The Agency Settings is where you can customize the agency branding details and assets.
"Enter your brand name here", this is the name your users will see when they access Veedea.
"Enter the agency owner name here", this should be your name or your business name.
"Enter the description here", this is your business description.
And then set your primary and secondary brand colors.
Here you can enter some relevant keywords.
Choose and set a custom domain. This is the domain your users will access Veedea on. The domain options you see here are from the custom domains you had added through the custom domain management page.
And then finally, upload your own logo to replace the Veedea logo. And the favicon to replace the Veedea favicon. Favicon appears on the browser tab when your users access Veedea.
The branding details you setup on this page will replace the default Veedea branding details, where applicable, when your users access Veedea, the login page and even in the invite emails and account update emails they receive.
Once done with your agency brand customizations, you can go ahead and start adding and inviting your agency clients.