How to add/invite agency clients
Scroll down the left menu and click on Agency, then click on Agency User.
Click on Add New.
Enter client name, email address, and choose or generate a password.
Choose the access level for the client from the list of the access levels in your own account.
Leave the role as an agency user which signifies that the account is a user under your agency
If you check this box, the client will automatically receive an invite email with their access credentials.
Once you are done entering those details, click on the Add User button and the user will be added.
You can see the user account details, the assigned user access levels, the status of the account which you can deactivate and reactivate at will without actually deleting the account. When deactivated the client will no longer be able to log into the account until reactivated.
You can also edit the client information anytime, including the access levels or delete the account if there is any need for that.
And here is the super admin functionality which allows you to log into the client’s account to build and manage interactive video funnels and campaigns without needing or knowing their password. Just click on it for a direct login.
Once logged into the client account, a step-by-step campaign creation onboarding will popup, showing you where to click and what to do to build your client their first interactive video funnel campaign.
You can also exit the super admin mode, log out of the client account and back into your own account by clicking on the User back button at the top here.